The 54th BALTIC CONTEST 2018
General rules
The Lithuanian Radio Sports Federation has the honor to invite radio amateurs all over the world to enter 54th Baltic Contest 2018.
- The aim: to promote radio sport in the Baltic countries and to expand relations among radio amateurs of the Baltic and the world.
- The object: to establish as many contacts as possible with amateur stations worldwide.
- Period: from 2100z May 19, 2018 till 0200z May 20, 2018. UTC
- Sections: A – single operator, CW/SSB
B – single operator, CW
C – single operator, SSB
D – single operator, 2 hours, CW/SSB
E – multi operator, single TX
- Any use of DX spotting networks (Skimmer, DX cluster, sked pages and etc.) for section A, B, C, D is not permitted.
- Only one transmitted signal is allowed at any time.
- Only one period of two hours with biggest QSO number counts for section D competition, all contacts made outside this period will be automatically used for check.
- Frequencies: CW (3510-3600) kHz, SSB (3600-3750) kHz.
- Exchange: RS(T) and serial number starting from 001. Each station may be worked once in SSB and once in CW.
- Scoring: for participants in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania each QSO with Europe counts 1 point and QSO with another continent counts 2 points. For participants in Europe each QSO with Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania counts 10 points, each QSO with another participant counts 1 point. For participants outside Europe each QSO with ES, YL, LY counts 20 points, each QSO with another participant counts 1 point. SWL report must contain both call signs and at least one of the control numbers.
- Final score: the sum of QSO points. When the number of points is equal, the criteria for priority are: for better percentage of QSO confirmation; for more DX QSO
- Awards: certificates will be awarded to the leading stations of each section for every country (DXCC) in accordance with the number of participants. Winners in A, B, C, D, E, F sections in the Baltic countries (ES, LY, YL), in the Europe and outside Europe will receive originally designed medals.
This year only: additional trophies will be announced for celebration of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia’s 100 years of restoration.
Special trophies: (trophy/donnor)
Europe MIX LP
S.Franckevičius LY4AA |
Baltic countries LP (less than 100W output) |
Estonian Amateur Radio Union |
DX LP (less than 100W output) |
Latvian Radio Amateur League |
North America |
M.Jukna LY4L |
Europe CW LP
G. Lučinskas LY9A, R.Šaltauskas LY1Z Memorial |
Estonia |
Kaunas University of Technology Radio Club |
Latvia |
R.Baltušis LY6A |
YL |
M.Stern 4Z4KX, LY2NL Memorial |
Lithuania YL |
R. Žakelis LY5AA |
Youth (until 16 years) |
J.Urbonas LY4T |
Lithuania CW |
G.Lučinskas LY9A |
Oldtimer BC (more than 60 years) |
Kaunas University of Technology R.C., A.Macas LY2OO Memorial |
Baltic countries QRP (less than 5W output) |
Lithuanian Amateur Radio Society |
Scandinavian countries |
Tonno Vahk ES5TV |
A station winning a medal (the entry winner) will not be considered for the special trophy. That trophy will be given to the second station if the number of entries justifies the medals.
- Logs: Deadline 10th June, 2018. Electronic logs should be sent to balticcontest@inbox.lt. Cabrillo file format is preferred. Paper logs should be mailed to LRSF, P. O. Box 210, LT-44003 Kaunas, Lithuania.
The log MUST show the following information: callsign, name, age, entry, power, and QSO in chronological order. Each contact has to have correct time in GMT, frequency (or band), call, report with serial number sent, and report with serial number received. A log without all required information may be reclassified to checklog. Also, please indicate if you want to receive a paper or electronic copy of a Baltic Contest booklet and diploma in the soapbox.
- Disqualification: If any participant violates contest rules, referees’ committee can disqualify that participant.
- Referee committee: Referee committee decision is final and indisputable.
Baltic Contest committee